Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Best of British

9 October 2011

If you haven’t heard of Cherry Red Rachy then you have missed out big time.  This post relates to the story of our most recent shoot on 9 October, but I first came across Rachel when casting for my St Trinian’s project back in July.  That shoot will be described in detail later, but briefly, Rachel came along as the head mistress, Miss Fritton, and stole every scene she was in – as well as giving the entire shoot a central character for the story to relate to.  Rachel displayed an amazing ability to slip into a character role, and has a head jam packed full of original ideas to contribute to a shoot.  As so many of my shoots involve characterisations I just knew it wouldn’t be long before we worked together again.

That opportunity came in August when together with Mistress Nightshade we created a retro beach shoot based along the traditional seaside holidays of yore at Mablethorpe.  The day was incredible fun and we produced some very strong sets.  So I was flattered to receive a message later in the month saying, ‘Hey Vossy, about time we did a solo shoot.’  Too right!

Interestingly enough – for me if not you – is that I was last known as Vossy at school many, many years ago.  So long ago that we used to dig for coal and build things.  The nickname had disappeared along with Ford Cortinas and English speaking staff in call centres.  Anyway, Rachel reintroduced Vossy to the world at large and a couple of regular models have now adopted it.

But back to the point, you will be delighted to hear.  Rachel and I decided on a loose interpretation of a ‘Best of British’ theme and decided to shoot scenes with a Harrier jump jet; a 1940’s theme at the Nene Valley Railway and an old manor house.  In the event, the weather was a bit dicey so we abandoned the manor house idea as it was miles away, and went instead to a derelict roadside diner up the A1.  This is an amazing building; built in art deco style and was used as a Little Chef for many years until closure when it was boarded up and left to rot.  At one time it was possible to gain access to the interior and indeed I did a shoot there back in November 2010.  Sadly the Health & Safety Stasi deemed that climbing through smashed windows onto missing floors and clambering around piles of unstable debris was something of safety risk – as if!  However, rules are rules so earlier this year Jewsons moved in and filled every available entry point with breezeblocks and removed the ladder that gained access to the roof.  Thanks a bunch.  Still, the exterior alone is amazing and well worth a visit; with its heavily graffiti-ed walls and run down appearance with boarded up windows and flaking paint, it makes a striking backdrop for a variety of genres.

We decided to go with a grungy theme to kick off with, so Rachy dressed up into a 1980’s style baggy tracky topped off with BIG hair in vibrant pink that looked awesome.  Gold stiletto heels set off the ‘Rita Sue and Bob Too’ appearance down to a tee!  All we needed was a Bradford council estate and our Little Chef fulfilled that role admirably.

The shoot was an excellent one for what Rachel does best – character and humour!  We set about trashing the place in fine style (simulated in case anyone of a nervous disposition is reading).  Drainpipes were pulled away, windows put in, doors kicked open and a part of the façade was wrenched off.  Pretty much like every other day in Bradford, really.  We filmed two short cameo scenes – one where Rachel is walking down the street, looking to camera and falls down an open manhole.  This is my favourite from the shoot, very reminiscent of a ‘Not The 9 O’ Clock News’ sketch.  The second cameo came at the end of the shoot when Rachel attacked a piece of fascia on the building; ripped it off but then tripped over it and fell flat on her face.  Her amazing range of facial expressions came into play here, and she delivered a fantastic set of images.

Having done as much destruction as we could get away with before the Police were called, we moved on up the road to RAF Wittering.  This airbase used to host the Harrier fleet until the Government decided in its infinite wisdom that despite going to war with everyone to the east of Ipswich, we could get away with two F16’s and a lawnmower in times of crisis.  Consequently the only plane left at the site is a preserved Harrier that proudly stands guard at the main entrance as a reminder of our heritage and ability to blow things up.  It was this plane that we planned to use for our shoot.

 Now even though we are at war with everyone east of Ipswich, and even though we have melted down all our aircraft to make fridge freezers, you still can’t turn up at an airbase and start snapping away.  We asked the guards on sentry duty if we could film, and they couldn’t make that decision but very helpfully pointed us in the direction of the offices who could grant us permission if they felt so inclined.

Now this opened up a very common problem I have on shoots.  I always ask permission to film at sites patrolled by men with big guns, and frequently come across the same issue – is it commercial (meaning how much can we charge you?)  Try explaining to almost anyone these days that it’s a hobby, something for fun and pleasure and you get looked at as if you’re gone out.  Or Nick Clegg.  Nobody, it seems, does things just for fun.  There must be money in it somewhere.  The idea that anyone could go to the time and trouble of arranging something without there being some folding involved at the end of it is lost on the Powers That Be these days – a sign of the times, sadly.

After some discussion and repeated confirmation that we were not making money out of it, the base commander allowed us to set up and get going.  Rachel had originally planned to wear nothing but heels and a huge Union Jack flag we had brought as a prop, but as we had only just got in by the skin of our teeth, we felt it would be pushing our luck to have kit getting whipped off – especially as the Harrier sits right at the side of the A1.

Rachel went for gold in every sense – the fantastic bomber jacket over black leggings set off with leopardskin heels – oh, Marlene would have killed to have attended one of Boycie’s Lodge meetings dressed like this! 

Armed with the superb flag, we set about posing around the aircraft to get a variety of shots.  There was a strong wind that caught the flag and let it billow around, thus giving many of the images an extra dimension.  Nothing worse than having it hanging all limp and forlorn around your ankles, eh?

The set was reasonably quick to do, enabling Rachel and I to return to the Nene Valley Railway at Wansford for a much-needed cuppa and outfit change.  The railway was hosting a 1940’s weekend which would be the backdrop to our third and final set of the day – a complete contrast to what had gone on before.

From grunge and attitude of Bradford and the Harrier, we adopted a much more fun and cutesy feel for the wartime set.  We had some wonderful props – steam trains, vintage cars, an old bus plus all the paraphernalia of the station and wartime displays.

This session rounded off the shoot nicely, and after another cuppa and a discussion about future shoot ideas we parted company.  With plans in place over the next month for one of Rachel’s amazing ideas, it shouldn’t be long before she graces these pages again!

View the full galleries of these sets from the links below.

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